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June 05, 2007 |

Supreme Court Homestretch Packed

The justices have a lot of work to do this month, with a third of its cases still undecided.
9 minute read
June 17, 1999 |

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

For the first time in the nation, a regulatory agency has forced a doctor off the Web for violating state medical regulations. Last month, an administrative law judge, acting at the request of the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, ordered San Diego osteopath James DeYarman to shut down his Web sites. DeYarman, who was prescribing the hair-growth pill Propecia, was accused of practicing medicine online without conducting a so-called good-faith medical exam.
7 minute read
November 13, 2009 |

Media Cross Fingers in Rolling Stone Case

Justice Robert Dondero seemed unpersuaded that an ad's proximity and content effectively turned a magazine story into commercial speech. But there was no predicting the other votes in Thursday's case.
4 minute read
July 17, 2001 |

Licensing Agreements: How to Draft and Enforce Them

What are the business advantages and disadvantages to granting a license? D. Patrick O'Reilley of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner and a panel of licensing experts discuss these issues and many more in's ongoing online seminar "Licensing Agreements: How to Draft and Enforce Them."
11 minute read
March 12, 2007 |

A Climate Change in Classroom

Just as more law firms are establishing global-warming practice groups, law schools are crafting their own courses to address the legal issues of climate change. Many law schools are incorporating global warming into existing environmental law classes, but the University of Houston Law Center has developed a separate course covering litigation arising from the phenomenon. The two-credit course is taught by Susman Godfrey partner Stephen Susman and Bracewell & Giuliani partner Tracy Hester.
2 minute read
April 15, 2010 |

'Net Neutrality' Policy In Doubt After Ruling

Comcast Corp.'s courthouse victory over the Federal Communications Commission last week might not turn out to be a win for the company after all if it speeds the path for wider regulation of broadband services.
7 minute read
July 19, 2010 |


6 minute read
May 16, 2003 |

'Times' Reporter Creates Liability Issues

As The New York Times sifts through the damage caused by reporter Jayson Blair's fabricated stories, the paper may have to prepare for lawsuits as well. Prominent media lawyers say the paper would have a tough time mounting a defense if subjects of the doctored stories can claim injury to reputation or feeling. Potential suits could arise in several states, and the feds have also expressed interest in the situation.
4 minute read
In re The Exxon Valdez
Publication Date: 2001-02-09
Practice Area: damages
Court: 9th Cir.
Judge: HOLLAND, District Judge; BROWNING, SCHROEDER, and KLEINFELD, Circuit Judges
For plaintiff: Brian B. O' Neill
For defendant: John F. Daum
Case number: No. 99-35898

The full case caption appears at the end of this opinion. SCHROEDER, Circuit Judge: This is another appeal arising out of the verdict and judgment of fivebillion dollars in

October 03, 2008 |

Circuit Honors Defense Lawyer for Aiding Youth

Anthony Ricco had been in federal courtrooms plenty of times, but never before this kind of audience. In front of a warm and welcoming crowd of judges, colleagues and even his fifth-grade teacher, the veteran defense attorney last week was given the prestigious American Inns of Court Professionalism Award, given each year to an attorney who makes a special cause of helping young lawyers, in the ceremonial courtroom at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse.
6 minute read
