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July 26, 2004 |


City Hall may reach a little deeper into firm pockets; Time out; Flip turn phenom.
6 minute read
January 09, 2003 |

Court Ponders Liability for Bus Stop Safety

California transit agencies could face rough roads ahead, as the state Supreme Court seemed inclined Wednesday to hold them liable for injuries at bus stops located in dangerous places. Meeting in San Francisco, the high court's only concern appeared to be a fear that a ruling against the Central Contra Costa Transit Authority could expose transit agencies statewide to excessive third-party liability from drivers who hit pedestrians using busy crosswalks to reach bus stops.
5 minute read
January 18, 2000 |

Networks Offer Firms a Global Reach

With the threat of competition from multidisciplinary practices looming on the horizon, mid-size law firms know they may face a tenuous future. As their clients flourish and expand, they are finding that a firm with only one office no longer suffices. A handful of firms have addressed the problem not through adding offices, but by joining networks.
4 minute read
August 20, 2007 |

Small-Firm Attorney Drills for T&E Gold Among Gay Community

The future looked bright in the spring of last year at San Francisco's BVH Law Group. Deb Kinney and her three partners discussed hiring staff to help buttress their expanding estate-planning practice: managing the wealth of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. That niche afforded plenty of work, thanks to continual updates to California's domestic partnership statutes. But by March, Kinney was the only lawyer left, and she decided to relaunch at the same address under a new name: DLK Law Group.
7 minute read
September 25, 2000 |

University of San Francisco Works to Boost Academic Standing

After one year as dean at the University of San Francisco School of Law, Jeffrey Brand has big plans. The school's new $18.3 million law library just opened, but building improvements are just one of the steps school officials are taking to improve the Jesuit school's academic reputation and attract more top-drawer students. "It's been an incredibly exciting time," Brand says.
7 minute read
January 28, 2005 |

San Jose's Doyle Promises Reforms

San Jose City Attorney J. Richard "Rick" Doyle has survived the Cisco technology contract scandal -- although just barely, according to at least one City Council member. Now, Doyle is making changes to his office's procedures that he hopes will prevent another such mess in the future.
4 minute read
May 31, 2000 |

The Graying of the Bar

As the baby boomers edge toward retirement age, benefits such as lifetime tenure that were once taken for granted are likely to become relics. In an effort to maintain -- or gain -- footing in a competitive environment, some firms are taking dramatic, highly visible actions that fall hardest on older partners. "They don't have a lot of choices. The ground rules have changed...," said Robert Hillman, a professor at the University of California-Davis School of Law.
13 minute read
June 06, 2003 |

From Pro Bono Publico to Pro Malo Respiro

Some lawyers raise thousands of pounds of food for the hungry. Others sue the federal government to keep SUVs big and gas-guzzling. The Recorder has its say on these and other legal foibles.
3 minute read
March 21, 2005 |

Mind Games

Employment lawyers didn't always speak the language of mental disability litigation. But now, the once-rare claims have grown into a niche practice area. Lawyers say the reasons for the increased caseload could range from employees' awareness of their legal rights to the publication of a new psychiatric diagnostic manual to greater workplace stress. Although defense attorneys complain that workers and their doctors are going too far, plaintiffs attorneys insist that discrimination remains widespread.
6 minute read
June 21, 2007 |

Sun Shines on Select Law Firms

Five years ago, Sun Microsystems worked with about 400 outside law firms. In the last few months, Sun has dramatically pared down its roster of outside counsel to nine firms that handle all its routine work. Apart from the cost-cutting and organizational motivations, Sun GC Michael Dillon says the law firm business has changed. The traditional law firm billable-hours model is "disjointed" from business reality, he said, and the race to meet New York associate salary standards "just exacerbates the problem."
3 minute read


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