Falling in love doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. It also takes energy, dedication, sacrifice, careful assessment, contemplation … and the courage to commit. So when an employer signals to the world that you’re The One by extending an offer, their time and effort to reach that point should be appreciated, respected and given the professional courtesy of a live response.

I don’t know a single hiring manager who jumps for joy when his/her offer is rejected—regardless of how smooth … or rocky the road may be to get there. Disappointment is a given—and at times anger and frustration ensue. These are normal reactions that are part of the interview process. So upon your rejection of this offer, there’s no doubt this employer will experience negative feelings…some of which may be directed at you. Confronting this dynamic requires you to deal with the conflict and the discomfort that goes along with it. It’s a situation most everyone wishes to avoid if possible. And many do. But avoidance is not the highest quality path. It’s not the right path. And it’s not the path of an A player.