As part of its 170th anniversary, The Legal for the first time awarded some of Pennsylvania’s most influential attorneys with Lifetime Achievement Awards. Each honoree was asked to provide a brief quote or anecdote about what the law has meant to them. These are there responses, paired with a few sentences from The Legal‘s staff about each winner’s career accomplishments.


"The law and the legal profession have always been at the center of my professional life — whether as a practicing lawyer, a judge, a teacher orby being an active participant in the various adjuncts of the profession: the courts, the law schools, the bar association, the ALI, the Supreme Court Fellows and the Office of Independent Counsel. I was early persuaded that a democratic political system is best for our great society and at its pinnacle is the judiciary. We let the judiciary and the profession falter at the expense of our valued institutions and its numerous citizens. I am grateful for the many opportunities they have provided to me and, most importantly, for the valuable privilege of being able to support our priceless society."

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