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Decision & Orders signed: October 30, 2023

Surrogate Gingold ESTATE OF MILDRED PERLIS, Deceased (83-4949/A) — Petitioners Diane Robin Correri and Robert Julius Levine requested that they be allowed to attend the court’s next calendar virtually, instead of in person as per Hon. Hilary Gingold’s court rules. At the prior calendar on August 23, 2023, petitioners also requested to attend virtually, and their request was granted. However, only Mr. Levine provided the court with his email, and he was sent a link and request for the contact information of Ms. Correri. Mr. Levine provided the court with Ms. Correri’s email at 7 pm the night before calendar. The court emailed both petitioners a link to attend calendar by Microsoft Teams the morning of calendar. Petitioners did not appear. The petition was adjourned for lack of jurisdiction. Mr. Levine emailed the court at 1 pm, three hours after calendar. His email stated that his computer was not working, and he had only realized this after the court appearance had concluded. A supplemental citation has not yet been issued. Petitioners’ request to appear virtually is premature in light of the fact that a supplemental citation has not been issued. Accordingly, petitioners’ request is hereby denied. This decision constitutes the order of the court. Dated: October 30, 2023 ESTATE OF VALERIA BALOGH-NAIR, Deceased (20-2412/A) — Incident to her final accounting in the estate of Valeria Balogh-Nair, the Public Administrator requests a determination of the identity of decedent’s distributees. Based upon the proof submitted before a court attorney-referee, in which a guardian ad litem for unknown distributees participated, the court finds that decedent was survived by two nieces. The court is satisfied that diligent and exhaustive efforts have been made, without success, to ascertain the existence of other distributees, that more than three years have elapsed since decedent’s death, and that no claim to a distributive share in the estate has been made by any other person. It is therefore determined that no other distributees exist (SCPA 2225). The final report of the guardian ad litem indicates that he is satisfied that the identity of the decedent’s distributees has been established. Accordingly, the Public Administrator is directed to distribute the net estate in accordance with EPTL 4-1.1 (a) (5) to Szilvia Henkel and Dora Henkel. The Public Administrator shall supplement her account by affidavit and, as so supplemented, the account is settled. Settle decree. Dated: October 30, 2023 ESTATE OF MARY KELLEHER, Deceased (08-1840/B) — Upon a notice of discontinuance filed October 27, 2023, in which the petitioner discontinued the uncontested petition for judicial settlement of an account in the estate of Mary Kelleher, with the approval of this court, this proceeding is discontinued (CPLR 3217[a][1]). This decision constitutes the order of the court. Dated: October 30, 2023 ESTATE OF BRADFORD KELLEHER, Deceased (08-1840/B) — Upon a notice of discontinuance filed October 27, 2023, in which the petitioner discontinued the uncontested petition for judicial settlement of an account in the estate of Bradford Kelleher, with the approval of this court, this proceeding is discontinued (CPLR 3217[a][l]). This decision constitutes the order of the court. Dated: October 30, 2023

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