Since 2000, New York City-based plaintiffs firm Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo, founded more than 80 years ago, has won more than $2 billion for victims and their families. The firm, with more than 40 lawyers, is one of the city’s largest that’s devoted to personal injury representation. More than 400 clients recovered a million dollars or more from Sullivan Papain-led verdicts and settlements. Sullivan Papain earned a National Law Journal Pro Bono award in 2004, for waiving fees after a more than $265 million settlement in the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund suit. The firm in that case represented hundreds of injured rescue workers and Sept. 11 victims as part of the original Victim Compensation Fund. Sullivan Papain also secured a more than $600 million settlement for rescue and recovery workers.

Lawyers who’ve worked with Sullivan Papain said consistent results in big cases have earned the firm a reputation as one of the go-to personal injury shops in New York. “They don’t really need to advertise like other firms do because their clients refer other clients to them,” said New York solo practitioner Rannylin Dalley. “They’re just that good.” Partner Christopher McGrath said the firm prides itself on its ethics. “That’s the rewarding part,” he said. “We never compromise our ethics. When you go to sleep at night, you’re out. You sleep well.” — Nathan Beck

KEY TO WINNING: “If the jury trusts you, they’re going to be more likely to vote for you. So that’s what I’m looking for in an attorney: honesty.” —Christopher McGrath