Taking a snapshot of the features available from practice management software as a service (PM SaaS) providers Clio, HoudiniESQ, Livia, MyCase, and Rocket Matter is just that — a snapshot in time. PM SaaS is a dynamic product category updated frequently with new features. For example, MyCase recently provided subscribers access to merchant credit card accounts via Payment Processing. The PPI integration enables MyCase subscribers to not only accept the payments, but also apply them to a trust account. MyCase throws in a free card-swiper, as well. So, what’s PM SaaS all about?

Let’s define PM SaaS as a web application designed to manage all aspects of a client matter, which includes features for billing, calendaring, capturing time, and managing contacts, documents, and tasks. My goal is to identify the vendors’ offerings to see how each can serve practice needs. In general, I found the systems similar in their base offerings and dissimilar in features you may not expect, from HoudiniESQ’s Microsoft Excel and Word plug-in to Livia’s lead management tools with built-in support for e-mail newsletter campaigns.