Statistics show that in 2006, China contracted for 24% and produced 20% of the total number of new ships built globally, taking third position (behind Korea and Japan) in both categories. Further gains were made during 2007 and, by some measures, China overtook both Korea and Japan in the first half of the year in relation to new building contracts concluded. It is no secret that China has set its sights on becoming the world’s number one shipbuilder, and official statements indicate this will be achieved by 2015. The 8km-long quay of the new Jiangnan Shipyard on Changxing Island is a good reflection of the ambition of Chinese shipyards.

Following the boom in the shipping industry over the past few years, foreign owners have been flocking to China to order new ships at Chinese shipyards. All the large state-owned shipyards have full order books for the next few years. As a result, many owners have had to turn their attention to some of the privately-owned small- and medium-sized shipyards, many of which are located in the neighbouring Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces.