Mistakes can be a syptom of stress, which can be due to a lack of training or over-burdeningFrom the junior assistant to the senior partner, there can be few people in the legal business who do not at some stage in their career step back, take a deep breath and question whether they are 100% satisfied with their job. But how many people actually take time out to do something about it and how many dive back down and become embroiled in the day-to-day business of getting on with their career without really giving their niggling inner doubts a fair hearing?

Such doubts may appear to be unavoidable, but it is possible to find light at the end of the tunnel with the help of a few clever strategic moves. Lawyers are by nature highly intelligent creatures, trained to be focused and disciplined, with a meticulous eye for detail. They need to be excellent at client communications, while at the same time being resilient and impervious to the pressures of long hours, tight deadlines and often incredibly stressful cases.