We all know that spending on IT is huge. According to Computer Weekly, in 2003 overall IT spending in the UK will increase by 7.5% to reach £67.7bn. On average, UK organisations will be spending £2,623 per employee on IT this year. The Office of National Statistics reported that in 2000, law firms spent £155m on the purchase of computers and related IT activity, compared to only £64m in 1996.

Clearly this trend of increasing spend on IT will continue. The information technology revolution has led to an outgrowth of extended relationships between organisations and their IT suppliers, involving the surrender of core elements of the business and infrastructure to third parties. As the commercial world continues to become ever more specialised, these types of agreements will place greater reliance on third parties to help harness the unparalleled capabilities for storing, distributing and sharing information for the benefit of business. When these relationships are successful, such suppliers become integral elements of the overall business.