A combination of a hard-hit economy and some belt-tightening at the firm spelled a relatively good year for labor firm Fisher & Phillips, according to managing partner Rodger K. Quillen. With the economic downturn and job losses, employees are more prone to fight for their jobs, he said. The election of President Barack Obama has spurred activity among union organizers and management, which is gearing up for expected pro-labor legislation. In addition to boosting revenue by about 11 percent, compensation levels rose. The firm also cut costs by decreasing travel and eliminating its annual partners meeting and other face-to-face conferences. We cut expenses by more than $1 million in the last half of the year, said Quillen. We probably used to spend $80,000 a month; now we’re down to about $20,000.

- Greg Land

Revenue $100,765,300 11.01%
Revenue per lawyer $480,063 1.54%
Profit per partner $478,127 10.53%
Total lawyers 209.9 17.9
Atlanta lawyers 48 1
Partners 118.4 14.4
Equity partners 84 2
Atlanta office size rank No. 1
