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Build a Customized West Virginia 24-Credit CLE Compliance Bundle - For 2020-2022 Compliance

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The West Virginia Mandatory CLE Commission issued an order suspending the live CLE requirement through June 30, 2020. WV attorneys can now complete their full 24-hour CLE requirement through computer-based training courses, or in-house instruction.

The West Virginia Mandatory CLE Commission requires all attorneys to complete twenty-four (24) required MCLE hours, including three (3) in Ethics. 

With the West Virginia 24-Credit Build Your Bundle, you can select all twenty-four (24) CLE hours, including three (3) in ethics for o


Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


817 Courses
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58 minutes
Getting Your Diversity and Inclusion Program Off The Ground: Bringing HR and Legal Teams Together
SixFifty, the technology arm of the law firm Wilson Sonsini, assembled a panel of lawyers and diversity leaders to discuss how they have helped companies get their diversity and inclusion programs off the ground, while staying legally compliant

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.16 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Overview of COVID-19 Employee Testing and Relevant Regulations
This presentation will focus on COVID-19 testing and relevant regulations. We will cover the types of COVID-19 tests available, the various specimen types used for testing, and regulations determining who can receive the results.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.2 - General

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59 minutes
Leadership Through A Storm: Managing Your Team Through A Crisis
In this session, we will explore best practices for managing a team through a crisis, the internal communications to reassure and support your team and how to re-organize to maximize your resources during these times.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.18 - General

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58 minutes
Building a Robust Emergency Response Plan
In the session, we will look to the role General Counsel and legal teams have in developing an emergency response plan.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.16 - General

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57 minutes
Navigating Global M&A During Turbulent Times
In this session, we will focus on the key strategic considerations, negotiation communications, integration planning and the risk areas to avoid and due diligence procedures to deploy.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.14 - General

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60 minutes
Inclusion: Supporting Mental Health & Well-being During Difficult Times
Verna Myers said "Diversity is being invited to the party; Inclusivity is being asked to dance". The discussion around diversity is one that has been ongoing for a number of years now, but recent studies show that this push for diversity targets simply isn't enough. To truly make the breakthrough for diversity, and to reap the benefits diversity brings, it is time to shift the focus of our discussions to inclusivity. Inclusion: what does it mean in practice and what strategies can you deploy to create an inclusive and collaborative culture? How can you create inclusive environments through remote working? Unlocking the opportunities to improve diversity Supporting your team during these times: Effective strategies to support your teams mental health and creating a culture of 'togetherness'

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.2 - Ethics

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57 minutes
Proactive Measures To Avoid Potential Data Breaches & Cyber-Attacks - WIPL
Hackers love exploiting weakness. As data breaches increase in frequency and size, corporate legal departments must be armed and ready to proactively tackle these crises and reduce risk and damage to the company.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.14 - General

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59 minutes
Supply Chain Navigation: Managing Contractual Challenges With Suppliers & Vendors - WIPL
The pandemic has forced companies to deal with an abundance of contractual challenges across the supply chain and with vendors. With the challenges not likely to disappear for 2020, how can General Counsel successfully navigate these novel contractual issues from force majeure, public disclosure to global supply chain disruption? Collaboration with external advisors and partners will be key to securing successful outcomes, yet for many General Counsel reservations still stand with security fears ranking top of the list.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1.18 - General