Tower Snow, Jr., has seen more dramatic twists and turns in his career than the coastal roads leading to San Francisco. Now, the 61-year-old Bay Area lawyer, who made headlines a few years back during his turbulent tenure as the chairman of now-defunct Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, is embarking on another professional journey. Today the San Francisco firm of Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin announced that Snow has joined the firm as a director (their term for partner), and will resume his practice as a securities litigator.

Snow says he had “contact with quite a few firms” before choosing Howard Rice. The firm stood out because of its roster of clients, the quality of its lawyers, its strong reputation, and its culture, he says. “Particularly given my experience at Brobeck I wanted a firm with a very collegial, very collaborative culture,” Snow says.