A licensed physician’s name and address is a matter of public information and its posting on the Internet did not violate the Information Practices Act or the California Public Records Act, the California Court of Appeal held Feb. 18, affirming the dismissal of the complaint by the trial court (Lorig v. Medical Board of California, Calif. Ct. App., No. A086261, 2/18/00).

The plaintiffs Milton Lorig and Michael Burton are physicians licensed by the respondent Medical Board of California. Lorig and Burton are also members of the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, a co-plaintiff. By statute and regulation, each physician licensed to practice in California is required to file a proper and current mailing address with the board. In May 1997, pursuant to Business and Professions Code �2027, the board established an Internet Web site to provide general information regarding board services and licensing and discipline information about physicians and other licensees.