There’s a reason there’s no show on the CW about litigation software vendors. The stuff doesn’t exactly lend itself to drama or intrigue. Indeed, it is a field where the big news isn’t about what’s happening, but what is not. There is still no one product that does it all, letting law firms retire all of the many (and we mean many ) packages they’re using for all the various steps in putting together a case. There is no revolutionary, just-out-of-the-lab technology that promises to make electronic discovery simpler and cheaper. There is no rush to embrace the biggest buzzword in technology circles today: cloud computing.

But don’t turn the page just yet. Because it turns out that these “nonevents” have been pretty compelling in themselves, creating big challenges — and big headaches — for law firms. And how these issues are tackled (or not) will have serious implications for the future of litigation. Okay, it’s not Gossip Girl . But things are a lot more eventful than you’d think.