“LTYCS” may not be as ubiquitous as “Keep It Simple, Stupid,” but many lawyers would be more successful if it were. Law Firm Development Group Inc. President James A. Durham began his presentation on “Guiding Principles for Successful Law Firm Marketing” to the Delaware Valley Law Firm Marketing Group with the obvious and equally overlooked insight that clients will very willingly tell their lawyers everything they need to know to both maintain and increase their practices. Hence, “Listen To Your Clients, Stupid.”
Durham suggested both formal and informal approaches for gathering these insights, including inviting clients to participate in strategic planning sessions. What could make clients feel more valued than including their input in a business plan? Clients’ responses to “What are we doing well?” and “What can we be doing better?” will also highly focus and streamline the strategic planning process. Additionally, the results of client service team programs will be severely hindered if they fail to include client input. And, astonishingly many of them do.