VANISHING ACT - Electronic messages that disappear, like those on Snapchat, are aggravating in-house counsel. Rhys Dipshan reports on the use of ephemeral messaging in the workplace, and how it presents significant roadblocks to in-house compliance and e-discovery operations, even as tech companies are gearing up to provide more corporate uses for it.

DETERMINATION - Lawyers who say they don’t have to pay bar dues in light of a 2018 SCOTUS decision are energized. Nate Robson reports that Goldwater Institute lawyer Timothy Sandefur was at the Eighth Circuit arguing that the Janus ruling, which essentially ended compelled labor union dues, should apply to mandatory bar dues. SCOTUS sent the bar dues case back to the Eighth Circuit following the Janus ruling, which sparked a flood of challenges to mandatory bar membership and dues in Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and North Dakota.