GenderIssue.jpgI’m going to make every effort to get through this blog without innuendo. After all, it’s not an issue that I focus on much – I’ve managed to go more than two years as editor of Legal Week without expressing an opinion on the matter. But there’s no doubt that gender politics still fascinates (can’t say excites) the profession like nothing else. Whenever runs a Career Clinic that even tangentially touches on the issue of women in law, traffic goes through the roof. That goes double if the subject has anything to do with appearance. It was a professional low point when I had to explain to a tabloid journalist that, as a dyed-in-the-wool business reporter, I didn’t have any pictures on file of female lawyers in fishnets to illustrate the piece they were working on.

The latest reminder of the strong feelings the gender issues generate comes from our upcoming Big Question poll. Despite being well into the summer slow period, the survey on women in law has already received more than double the average number of responses from partners.