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Select Practice Area CLE Course Catalog

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60 minutes
Ethics Best Practices in the Role of General Counsel & Corporate Governance
With corporate governance coming under the microscope, in house teams need to ensure they have a handle on their responsibilities to their company and as a leader in the organization. There is a balance between providing advice and mitigating risk. In addition, General Counsel in today's environment must deal with increasing scrutiny from not only the board, but also the media and government.

General Counsel Conference


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57 minutes
The Privacy Update: What's Next On The Horizon?
Privacy has remained top of the agenda for 2020 from the escalating concerns surrounding the sudden shift to remote and digital working; the impending CCPA enforcement date; to the increasing rise of data breaches and cyber-attacks. It is easy to understand why these developments raise further ethical questions, concerns and unease among legal departments. Legal departments must ensure the correct infrastructure is in place to tackle these challenges or face the huge risks associated with any one of these concerns.

General Counsel Conference


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58 minutes
When Two Worlds Collide: Successful Integration Techniques for Today's M&As
With M&A on the rise and cross-industry M&A becoming ever more common, nearly every legal department will be affected by it at some point. Identifying the intricacies of these situations is only the start. It is important to understand the precise impact these will have on the process and the risk they may pose later down the line.

General Counsel Conference


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59 minutes
Does COVID-19 Trigger Force Majeure?
Your clients' contract may be affected by COVID-19 and force majeure. Navigate the legal and business issues with Corporate Counsel Editor-in-Chief Heather Nevitt and International lawyer Lisa Richman in a discussion about the practical implications of force majeure in making business decisions state-by-state and across the globe.

Law Journal Press


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62 minutes
Ethical Considerations in eDiscovery: Rules and Responsibilities
In this webinar, experts will go over these ethical obligations, court cases where attorneys didn’t meet their obligations, and the impact it had on the cases and/or attorneys directly.



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62 minutes
Peek into the Mind of Your First-Year Associate
In this CLE program, we will gain insight from Stuart Teicher, Esq., who was a law school professor for these associates during this tumultuous time in their lives. (Ethics Rules 1.1, 5.3 and more covered).

Stuart Teicher


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64 minutes
What to Watch Out for When Your Firm is Under Pressure
There are going to be pressures on lawyers as their firms navigate the Great Restart. Some lawyers might take shortcuts, and that could spell danger for new associates. Plus, there are some other important new angles to the post-COVID practice that you should know. Here are some dangers you might face, and how to stay out of trouble. (Ethics Rules 5.3, 1.6, and more covered)

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
It's Not Time Management, It's LIFEtime Management
There’s always a lot of pressure on lawyers to produce. That pressure is likely to grow during the Great Restart. Learn a few tips and tricks for time management that could help you better deal with the responsibilities that will be thrown your way. These ideas were created with the new associate in mind.

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
First-Year Associates: How to Love the Law 10 Years from Now
Who doesn’t need a little inspiration? Stuart Teicher, Esq. lived through the ups and downs of the practice and he knows a few secrets. Follow his guidance as a new lawyer and you’ll set yourself up for happiness and success by the time you’re a veteran. (Ethics Rules 1.1, 1.3, and more covered)

Stuart Teicher


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