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Arkansas (AR) E Discovery CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Arkansas (AR) E Discovery

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55 minutes
Hybrid Work and the Discovery of Collaborative, Social, and Mobile Content
2022 will continue to consist of employees located everywhere, and relying upon Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, and mobile apps to get their jobs done. This is having profound effects on eDiscovery, most of which still depends on tools and review processes designed for email. How can firms prepare for the discovery onslaught of persistent chats, video recordings, whiteboards, and emojis?



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58 minutes
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat: Information Governance in the Legal Field
Are you adrift in a sea of legal information? Strap on your flippers and don't fear the shark. We'll tell a salty tale or two and explore these issues together on a deep dive.


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57 minutes
Practical eDiscovery Insights from Norton Rose Fulbright's High Impact Cyber Incident Response
Norton Rose Fulbright’s David Kessler, Anna Rudawski and Sam Sessler work together guiding clients through the investigation, containment, and remediation of some of the world’s most high-profile cybersecurity incident response matters. Join us as they discuss legal considerations and data and reporting challenges, while also sharing practical strategies, tools and workflows for practicing effectively in this complex area.



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58 minutes
Leveraging eDiscovery Expertise for Incident Response Matters
Law firms and their clients across industries are seeing a significant increase in cyber incidents. Leveraging familiar eDiscovery and Analytics tools can be an integral part of effectively responding to these incidents. However, it is imperative to understand what makes these matters unique (including scope and workflow) to ensure a strong and defensible outcome all while often under time and cost pressures.



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58 minutes
The Time for Change Has Come: Streamlining Privilege Review
Given the sheer amount of discoverable data that's out there, the ability to distinguish actual from pseudo privileged information is nearly impossible without the application of "smart" auto-extraction & sifting tools. With communication channels and data sources constantly evolving, is the tedious approach keyword search approach to privilege review still the right option? It does get the job done but with the power of data science & automation at your disposal, why not save time and money?



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62 minutes
Beyond TAR 2.0: Exploring the Current State of TAR
Technology-assisted review has come a long way since its early introduction as predictive coding. While each version has its merits and place, it is important to understand that in order to select the right approach for your discovery needs, one must truly understand the underlying process and variables such as time and cost. However, has the time come for TAR 3.0 and what does that look like for discovery professionals?



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58 minutes
Mitigating the Discovery Risks for the Hybrid Workforce
2020 fundamentally changed the way that businesses get work done. Everyone is now fully digitized, and dependent on Zoom, Microsoft, Slack, and mobile apps to engage with others and collaborate internally. This will have a profound impact on eDiscovery as we move toward a work-from-anywhere future. Join our panel as they discuss the implications, and share best practices to prepare for the future of work.



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60 minutes
An Insider's Guide to Preventing Discovery Disputes
Join this session as our veteran practitioners discuss why your team should create ESI protocols; some of the common pitfalls that occur around this process; and how to prevent common discovery disputes stemming from electronic data.



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61 minutes
Highlighting Challenges in the Intersection of Data Privacy and Discovery
In this session, our data scientists and privacy experts will share emerging solutions for extracting and protecting private information throughout the discovery process.



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