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Build a Customized New Mexico CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The New Mexico MCLE Commission allows attorneys to take four (4) of twelve (12) MCLE credit hours online.

Take your MCLE online at with streaming audio or video courses. We bring the classroom to you!

With this bundle, you can complete the allowed minimum of 4 MCLE hours, including 1 in Ethics. All programs in this bundle are approved by the New Mexico MCLE Commission.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions and instructions on how to access your CLE.

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32 Courses
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117 minutes
Navigating the Trade Secret Litigation Landscape: The Way to a Dispute Resolution
In this program, a panel of key thought leaders will provide an in-depth discussion of the critical and recurrent issues surrounding trade secret litigation. Speakers will also offer new defense strategies to ensure success in this type of lawsuit.

The Knowledge Group

2 - General

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60 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: AI and Intellectual Property
Conversations around generative artificial intelligence are dominating the social stratosphere. By simulating human cognitive thinking, generative AI can produce new types of text, imagery, audio, and synthetic data by using patterns and informational elements obtained from prior works. Because generative AI often relies on pools of data and third-party creations to create new content, there is a concern that generative AI may, whether intentionally or inadvertently, exploit copyright-protected content to develop purportedly original content. Organizations that leverage generative AI tools should be mindful of how the tools are used in a commercial context to mitigate the risk of infringing uses. Likewise, owners of intellectual property should be aware of how their works are used by generative AI models and the users of these tools, and timely action should be taken to defend intellectual property against infringement.

Law Journal Newsletters

1 - General

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59 minutes
Increased Expectations: Managing Ethics & Reputational Risk through Turbulence
Taking the right stance in today’s society is a challenge for organizations, especially given the current political and social environment. In this session, learn how to navigate important societal issues and understand which policies and procedures should be implemented in order to act as an ethically sound organization. To avoid any reputational damage, it is pertinent for GCs to take the right approach and not waiver on any ethical issues.

General Counsel Conference

1 - Ethics

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62 minutes
Small Legal Teams with Big Impacts: Successful Strategies to Drive Productivity & Innovation
As business challenges and responsibilities for in-house grow, learning how to do more with less is even more important than ever. Identifying solutions to set up your small legal team for success requires managing and leveraging your resources effectively. Attend this session to better prepare for the unique challenges small legal departments face, and learn innovative ways to work effectively with a smaller team. Panelists will address how to better leverage the organization and how to best keep up with changing legal and compliance requirements. Leave this session with a better understanding of technology that can help your small legal department prevent potential problems, rather than fighting them after they arise.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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60 minutes
Pay Transparency & Breaking Down the Barriers of Gender Pay Gaps
Despite making strides to improve the workforce landscape for women, companies continue to show hesitancy surrounding conversations about pay transparency and the imbalance between genders. Join this lively discussion to discover solutions to help navigate these gaps, better understand transparency legislation and discuss what steps need to be taken in order to see real change in the push for equity and inclusivity.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General

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63 minutes
Famous or Just Almost Famous? Trademark and Dilution Law
When is a trademark famous enough to receive heightened protection under federal law, including protection from being diluted by other similar marks? Peter Afrasiabi discusses the key contours of trademark law and trademark dilution claims in the context of litigation over famous marks including Jack Daniels, Porsche, Victoria’s Secret, Sony, Spotify and Pinterest.

New Media Legal

1 - General

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68 minutes
Professional Burnout Among Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys into the alarmingly and increasingly common phenomenon of professional burnout. Participants will learn what burnout is, how it impacts attorneys in and out of the office, how to spot it, how to be more proactive in the avoidance of it, and how to begin to address it if one is in the midst of it.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - Ethics

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61 minutes
The Ethics of ChatGPT and Other AI
So you’ve heard of this ChatGPT thing? I guess that means we should talk about it. Of course, this program isn’t only about ChatGPT. To properly understand the ethics issues in that program, we actually have to go a little deeper. So in this program we’ll be talking about the different ethics issues that impact both ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (generally), and a few other new technologies that are relevant to the discussion of generative AI.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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