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Build a Customized Colorado CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Colorado Mini Bundle contains twenty-three (23) credit hours and allows you to select the courses you take from our Colorado course catalog including the seven (7) required hours in Ethics.

The Colorado Supreme Court Board of Continuing Legal & Judicial Education allows attorneys to take all forty-five (45) required CLE hours online, including the seven (7) required hours in ethics.

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49 Courses
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59 minutes
Legal Lessons Learned from Advising High Net-Worth Families
In this program, Dr. Brian Russell, a licensed psychologist and attorney, will provide insights garnered from his experience advising high net-worth families using his legal and psychological aspects to provide a fuller view of the dynamics involved in working with these families.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - General

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61 minutes
The Litigation Outlook
As the courts reopen and in-house counsel reevaluate their caseloads, we will take a look at what legal departments have been experiencing on the litigation front in terms of “old” as well as newly-brought cases.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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55 minutes
Strategies for Determining the Right Time to Pursue Arbitration vs. Litigation
During this discussion, a panel of experts will share their views on the difficult decisions that in-house, especially general counsel, face as they weigh the cons and pros of whether and when a dispute is better suited for public litigation or private arbitration. Additionally, they will provide tips on what factors, in their experience, tend to sway the decision-making process one way or another.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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58 minutes
Best Practices for Operationalizing & Quantifying Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
As legal departments around the country look to develop more inclusive work environments, the question becomes how to maintain the momentum so that the initiatives of today elicit positive change in the generations to come. The discussion will center around avoiding pitfalls and fatigue when developing effective and lawful DEI programs as well as how to operationalize these diversity efforts.

General Counsel Conference

1 - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity

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56 minutes
The Future of Work: The GC’s Role in Workforce Disruption
From adjusting physical offices to compensation issues around working from home permanently, the discussion will provide insights into the most critical questions heads of legal departments are grappling with.

General Counsel Conference

1 - General

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54 minutes
Lessons for Lawyers from True-Crime TV, Vol. 2: Insanity in Criminal Court
In this program, Dr. Brian Russell will discuss the insanity defense and breakdown it's history and the Supreme Court's most recent decision on the matter.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - General

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63 minutes
Estopping the Madness: Personal-Injury Claims and Exemptions in Chapter 7 and 13 Cases
This panel discusses such personal-injury issues as mesh, malpractice and abuse cases in chapters 7 and 13. The discussion includes interviewing the client, appropriate disclosure of such claims, property of the estate, judicial estoppel, medical liens, federal and state exemptions, and settlements.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - General

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57 minutes
Avoiding the Dreaded B-Word: Alternatives to Bankruptcy
The panelists discuss in-court and out-of-court options for distressed businesses, as well as alternatives both pre- and post-COVID-19, drawing upon their experiences and what they see in the market going forward.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - General

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