The recent escalation of security threats in Saudi Arabia suggets that it is not ‘business as usual’ in the Middle East’s most important economy. However, while these threats may cause aprehension among western businesses and investors seeking to enter the region, recent economic and legislative reforms, coupled with an increased Saudi commitment to the war on terror, have created an environment ripe with real economic opportunities. It is far from time to turn out the lights in Saudi Arabia.

The tragic bombings in Riyadh in May 2003 sparked a strenghtening of Saudi efforts against terrorism through cooperation with US and British law enforcement. Joint Saudi-US task forces on terrorism and terrorist financing established a heightening commitment from the kingdom in defending against current security threats while preventing future terrorist activity through enhanced intelligence and stricter limitations on charitable funding. Although senior leadership is taking the necessary administrative steps, concerns still surround the ideological reactions of the Saudi people. It is unclear how the Saudi’s will respond to the recent tactical targeting of specific westerners as opposed to previous indiscriminate bombing tactics that killed innocent Saudi residents. However, signs of anger and frustration against those who have effectively hijacked a religion are beginning to emerge through the Saudi’s cooperation with intrusive security measures.