While it can be difficult to remember quite what life was like pre-lockdown 1.0, it is important to do so as we (hopefully) come out of lockdown 3.0 for the last time. We will be returning to the City and leaving behind the hours spent at home at dining tables, on bar stools at kitchen worktops or, for those lucky enough, in their own office with an uncomfortable chair, not forgetting the children and pets that graced our zoom meetings on the daily.

Looking back at the challenges that we have all faced over the past year, it comes as no surprise that research conducted by the London Solicitors Litigation Association and others towards the end of 2020 found 95% of the participants in favour of action to promote mental health, with less emphasis on billable hours and holidays and weekends being respected. There was a large consensus that agile working should be made available post-Covid, while flexible working and wellbeing support for lawyers was seen as important.