A&ODo brands matter in law? I’ve wondered recently, after writing an article on the damage being inflicted on the image of that darling of law schools around the world, Latham & Watkins, as a result of stealth layoff accusations and the reversal in its incredible growth of recent years.

Many senior lawyers would say brands don’t matter one jot, largely because they see the concept as distinct from what they personally do. This view is both narcissistic and factually wrong. It is narcissistic in the sense that even brilliant partners are not the sole value of a major firm - just the biggest chunk of it. The profession is littered with high-flyers that have floundered once removed from institutions they have come to resent. Such characters overestimate their own contribution and undervalue the firm and all the infrastructure, support and goodwill that has contributed to their success. And, of course, not all partners are brilliant.