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Ohio (OH) Law Practice Management CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Ohio (OH) Law Practice Management

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59 minutes
Developing Client-Facing Solutions that Highlight Your Firm's Expertise
Demands from clients are challenging law firms to stay competitive by introducing new tech tools that improve legal services offerings. At the same time, shrinking budgets are forcing law firms to consider which tools best serve their clients, themselves, and also generate the best return on investment.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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60 minutes
Legal Project Management: Navigating Trends and Overcoming Challenges in the Legal Landscape
The need for seamless collaboration, budget control, risk management, and client satisfaction has prompted the emergence of Legal Project Management (LPM) as a critical discipline for legal professionals. This session is designed to give participants valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in LPM.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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58 minutes
Creating a Strong Data Culture to Make Your Practice More Efficient
Law firms and corporate legal teams alike have tremendous amounts of data that contain valuable business insights. This session will focus on the importance of creating a data-first culture to enhance your team’s performance and ability to collect new data efficiently and effectively.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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59 minutes
Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges of AI Embedded in Existing Tech Tools
The advancement and proliferation of AI being embedded to power legal solutions present multiple opportunities and challenges for lawyers and clients alike. This session will focus on the impact of AI-powered legal technology, how it's tipping the balance of AI resistance, and its impact on litigation.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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74 minutes
Controlling the Legal Department Budget
Amidst an intricate corporate landscape, legal departments are often perceived as cost centers, grappling with the dueling challenges of expected and unforeseen legal contingencies. Yet, the notion that these departments require an unchecked flow of financial resources is far from reality. Many leaders have proven that there are multiple ways to control costs. In this discussion, GCs will discuss the cost management techniques that have resulted in cost savings and/or cost predictability for their departments.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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61 minutes
Providing Value and Growth: Equipping Your Team With Their Own Trajectory Lane Without Giving Up Your Seat
As a GC, there is an art to providing value and growth opportunities to your team members without having to give up your own seat. Each employee wants their contributions to be valued and recognized but how do you create that environment? Whether it's establishing shadow programs or offering more ways for your employees to have exposure to senior leadership, join this session as our panelists provide their own experiences and discuss the strategies they've introduced to allow your employees to grow and thrive without compromising their own position.

General Counsel Conference


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63 minutes
Managing Generations Y and Z: Motivating, Recruiting and Retaining Tomorrow's Workforce
As Gen Z and Gen Y take center stage in the workforce, organizations must adapt their strategies to effectively motivate, recruit, and retain these dynamic generations. Collaboration and consistent development are top of mind for many Gen Z but what else does your organization need to know to be better prepared for this new generation of talent? Join our panelists as they share the necessary tools and insights required to build a dynamic workplace that is both motivating to existing Gen Z employees but also enticing to the new wave of Gen Y talent.

General Counsel Conference


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62 minutes
How to Work Effectively & Be Innovative as a Small Legal Team
As business challenges and responsibilities for in-house grow, learning how to do more with less is even more important than ever. Identifying solutions to set up your small legal team for success requires managing and leveraging your resources effectively. Attend this session to better prepare for the unique challenges small legal departments face, and learn innovative ways to work effectively with a smaller team. Panelists will address how to better leverage the organization and how to best keep up with changing legal and compliance requirements. Leave this session with a better understanding of technology that can help your small legal department prevent potential problems, rather than fighting them after they arise.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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61 minutes
Litigation Management for In-House Counsel
As an in-house lawyer, you may be expected to manage litigation involving your company, but if you lack experience in this area, what can you do to ensure that you manage your litigation matters and outside counsel most effectively and efficiently? In this program, experienced law firm litigator Andrew Struve gives you the advice you need to identify the key issues, ask the right questions and make the best decisions when managing your next litigation.

New Media Legal


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