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Alaska (AK) Artificial Intelligence CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Alaska (AK) Artificial Intelligence

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52 minutes
The Cyber Threat Landscape: Preparation and Remediation
Top cybersecurity professionals, including legal and technical experts, discuss how to tackle cyber threats, emphasizing the importance of understanding various threats, integrating cybersecurity into AI development, and establishing effective incident response plans.

Securities Docket


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30 minutes
Law Enforcement Spotlight: Insights from the DOJ on Cybersecurity and National Security
Collaboration between law enforcement, government, and the private sector is essential to protect national security from cyber threats, with a focus on victim support, information sharing, and leveraging technology for defense.

Securities Docket


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49 minutes
A.I. and Cyber-Incident Response: The Latest Network Defenses, Monitoring and Countermeasures
AI is being increasingly used in cybersecurity, creating new challenges for incident responders, but also offering opportunities for quicker identification and security issue prevention. As such, it is crucial for CISOs to embrace AI for defense against bad actors while also considering the legal and security implications of its usage.

Securities Docket


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87 minutes
Unlocking Innovation: Navigating Patentability for ML, AI, and Software Inventions
In this program, a distinguished panel of key thought leaders and practitioners will provide holistic understanding of patentability and provides practical guidance for successfully safeguarding intellectual property in this rapidly evolving field.

The Knowledge Group


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60 minutes
AI Adoption: How to Empower Your Teams to Leverage AI Tools
Join our expert panelists for a comprehensive discussion on embracing a culture of AI adoption, effectively integrating AI tools to drive innovation within your legal team, and staying ahead of the curve with fast-evolving legal technology.

General Counsel Conference


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43 minutes
The Impact of AI on Securities Enforcement, Regulation, Compliance and Practice
AI is greatly impacting securities enforcement, regulation, compliance, and practice, requiring companies and regulators to address associated risks and challenges. This panel discusses the increasing risks and regulations around AI in finance. Experts discuss best practices.

Securities Docket


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58 minutes
AI Inventions and Patents: Drafting Patents for Successful Licensing and Enforcement of AI Technology
In this CLE program, we will demystify the intricacies of AI patenting and set a clear path to success. Our esteemed speakers, possessing extensive experience in AI patent law, will provide practical insights and actionable advice that will reshape your approach to patenting AI innovations.

The Knowledge Group


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57 minutes
Exploring the AI Patent Landscape: Emerging Top Trends and Shifts to Watch For
Listen as experienced patent attorneys Robert Plotkin (Blueshift IP) and Orlando Lopez (Culhane Meadows Haughian & Walsh PLLC) provide a comprehensive discussion of the current and emerging patent policies and procedures for AI-related inventions. Speakers, among other things, will provide practical tips and strategies for navigating this ever-changing regulatory landscape.

The Knowledge Group


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63 minutes
AI-Powered Legal Practice: Leveraging Technology in Fact Finding and Discovery
Join us for a panel discussion for a deep dive into how to mobilize new and existing technologies to build your AI toolbelt. Explore how these distinct technologies are shaping various aspects of legal practice and gain insights into their unique capabilities and applications.



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