Candidate: Nicole Forzato

Court: Chester County

Party: Democrat

The following has been edited lightly for length and style.

The Legal Intelligencer: Tell us about your background, where you went to law school, what firms you have practiced at, and areas of law you focus on.

Nicole Forzato: The majority of my legal career has been spent in public service positions. Prior to my appointment to the Chester County Court of Common Pleas in July 2022 where I currently serve, I was the first female to be appointed as the Chester County solicitor in August 2020. In that role, I managed the day to day operations of the Solicitor’s Office. Additionally, I oversaw all of the civil litigation impacting the county. My team and I provided legal guidance to the county commissioners and their senior administrative team as well as to various county boards and departments. Immediately before being appointed the Chester County solicitor, I served for three years as a criminal prosecutor in the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General where I primarily prosecuted complex financial crimes and public corruption cases. From 2012 through 2017, I served as a senior assistant county solicitor in Montgomery County where I provided legal guidance to 13 county departments and several county boards including the Election Board and Prison Board. I clerked for three different Common Pleas Court judges over the course of my career. I also have experience working in private practice focusing primarily on insurance defense matters. Early in my career, I served as an assistant district attorney in Montgomery County where I was assigned to the major crimes unit. I graduated from Villanova University School of Law in 2001.

The Legal: What is one major thing about your career experience that most qualifies you for this position, and why?

Forzato: I was appointed to the Chester County Court of Common Pleas in July 2022. I am currently assigned to the Orphans Court and Criminal Divisions. I am doing the job for which I am seeking election. Should I be elected, then on day one in January 2024, I would already have 18 months experience in the role and therefore would be ready to continue working on day one.

The Legal: What is the main reason Pennsylvania voters should pick you?

Forzato: Every day in the courtroom I diligently strive to apply the applicable law to the facts of each case while being respectful of the litigants in the courtroom. I make reasoned decisions based on the applicable law in a timely manner.

The Legal: What will be your approach to moving matters efficiently through the case management system? 

Forzato: It is important to limit the number of continuances. Additionally, utilizing scheduling conferences and detailed scheduling orders help to keep cases moving. Permitting remote participation in certain circumstances is also effective.

The Legal: What would you say to voters regarding your plans to ensure the equal administration of justice for all people?

Forzato: It is critically important to try to implement the equal administration of justice. Some simple but notable examples include utilizing interpreters and appointing counsel when appropriate. Giving counsel/litigants the opportunity to be heard is critically important. Additionally, attending trainings to learn more about issues impacting the court and community helps.

The Legal: Where can voters go for more information about you?

Forzato: is my campaign’s website. On Facebook, the page is Judge Nicole Forzato for Chester County Court of Common Pleas.


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