Candidate: Maria C. Battista

Court: Superior Court

Party: Republican

Pennsylvania Bar Association rating: Not Recommended for failure to participate

The following has been edited lightly for length and style. 

The Legal: Tell us about your background, where you went to law school, what firms you have practiced at, and areas of law you focus on.

Maria C. Battista: I was born and raised in northwestern Pennsylvania. I graduated from Clarion University of Pennsylvania before receiving my Juris Doctorate from Ohio Northern University. Following my graduation from law school and passing the bar exam, I started in a private general practice. My areas of practice included family law, real estate (including oil/gas), business law, wills and estates, defense litigation, personal injury, Social Security disability and workers’ compensation.

I practiced with various firms in the northwest part of the state, including having my own practice. While working as an attorney and raising my young family, I earned a master’s degree in education administration from Westminster College. Over the next several years, I held various positions in higher education, which included an administrative position, and teaching both communications and criminal justice courses. The three criminal justice courses I taught were criminal procedure, juvenile justice and administration of justice.

In 2004 and 2005, I was proud to serve as an assistant district attorney for Venango County, where I gained valuable criminal jury trial experience. I left the District Attorney’s Office in 2005 to complete my doctorate in education at the University of Pittsburgh. After graduating in 2007, I returned to higher education until 2011, when I joined the Gov. Tom Corbett Administration in the Office of General Counsel. I worked as an attorney for the Pennsylvania departments of health and state. While an attorney in the Department of State, I was a hearing examiner for three years and a board counsel. As a hearing examiner, I conducted administrative hearings and wrote formal decisions regarding the discipline of professional licensees. I also presided over hearings for various commonwealth agencies, including for the departments of corrections, education, health, military and veterans affairs, and banking and securities. I also did trade association work.

I was the association director for the National School Transportation Association, and the director of policy and government affairs for the Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners. I was working as a prosecutor in Franklin County in early 2020 just before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and was furloughed. I took the opportunity to use my background and experience to work tirelessly for the Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners to assist nurse practitioners with their licensing needs and the waiver of regulations so that nurse practitioners could care for patients and save lives during the pandemic and beyond. I worked with the Board of Nursing, the Department of Health, the Governor’s Office and other government agencies as well as hospitals and health care systems, to address the many new issues and questions raised by the pandemic.

In late 2020, I accepted a position with the Department of Defense (Defense Logistics Agency, Land and Maritime; U.S. Department of the Navy) to serve as a contract specialist. In that role, I provided procurement weapon system support for submarines, carrier ships, cruisers and destroyers, to help the warfighter with military readiness. I qualified for a secret clearance for this position. My current position is vice president for federal and state contracts with The Judge Group in Wayne, Pennsylvania, an international leader in business technology consulting, talent solutions and learning and development.

The Legal: What is one major thing about your career experience that most qualifies you for this position, and why?

Battista: The next judge of the Superior Court must have experience in the courtroom, dealing with the types of criminal matters that make up approximately 70% of its cases. My work as a private practicing attorney, and as a prosecutor, has given me courtroom experience, including both jury and bench trials. I understand what it means to regularly appear before the court. I also have experience writing a wide range of administrative decisions. The writing and analytical skills I used as a hearing examiner are the same skills needed by a judge on the Superior Court.

My experience in education is unique and is an added benefit to the Superior Court. When dealing with the types of family law matters that will appear before the court, my background in education will be invaluable. For example, when dealing with a custody matter and trying to make an assessment about the best interests of the child, my degrees in elementary education and in education administration will help me better understand the educational issues impacting those children.

The Legal: What is the main reason Pennsylvania voters should pick you?

Battista: I am uniquely qualified to serve as a judge of the Superior Court. Pennsylvanians can trust my judicial temperament, my professional background, and my life experiences as I seek to ensure that equal justice under the law is afforded to all who appear before me. I will bring a fresh perspective to the court, and rely on my experience as an attorney, a prosecutor, an educator and a hearing examiner to fairly decide cases. My rural roots are also important and will bring geographic diversity to the court.

The Legal: What will be your approach to moving matters efficiently through the case management system?

Battista: As with any organization, I believe that the court system can always operate more efficiently. Judges must commit to working together to find solutions to ensure that justice is provided on a timely basis, without unnecessary delay. Additionally, the necessary changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that, with the proper application of technology and new processes, courts can adapt and improve efficiency.

The Legal: What would you say to voters regarding your plans to ensure the equal administration of justice for all people?

Battista: I have seen as a practicing attorney, educator and mother how important our judicial system is and what happens when it breaks down. In 2014, I became a hearing examiner and issued hundreds of administrative decisions, impacting the lives of others. It is important to have judges who are fair and impartial and who uphold the law and constitution. I would be honored to serve in the capacity of a judge of the Superior Court, to provide equal justice under the law and to ensure that our laws and constitution are upheld as written. I believe it is a calling and higher duty to serve in this capacity.

The Legal: Where can voters go for more information about you?

Battista: Voters can visit my website at, or find our campaign on Facebook at Battista for Judge.


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