For 15 years, Pashman Stein has been developing and implementing strategies to assist businesses and individuals in obtaining insurance coverage for an ever-increasing range of liabilities and losses. Pashman Stein has represented not only large corporate policyholders, but also numerous midsize and smaller companies and their officers and directors in connection with insurance issues and insurance-related strategic concerns. Many policyholders in numerous industry groups have turned to the firm to address large and small issues.

Pashman Stein regularly advises clients who have received notice from an insurer of a denial or reservation of rights to deny coverage for a particular claim. Immediately upon retention, Pashman Stein performs an analysis of the prospects for obtaining coverage to develop the best strategy for clients. This initial analysis involves a written report reviewing the facts, the relevant policy language and the applicable law. Based on that review, attorneys recommend whether and how best to pursue insurance recovery for the claim.