NYLJ 100 Largest Private Law Offices
The big have still gotten bigger, but with the economic crisis have come layoffs, and firm dissolutions are again a reality.

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The Charts

Where They Rank
NYLJ 100 Alphabetical Listing and Rank
NYLJ 100: The Largest Private Law Offices in New York State
Largest Minority-Owned Law Firms in New York State
Attorney General and Corporation Counsel; U.S. Attorneys’ Offices
Attorney Concentration by County
District Attorneys’ Offices
ADR Providers
New York State Law Schools

Eighth Annual Fiction Contest Winner: A True Legal Drama
By Richard Garbarini
Sunglasses, calm attitude, and the drug-induced absence from the office (however long it’s been) will pass unnoticed. Wrong.


Legal Lingo: Footnotes*
By Adam Freedman
Footnotes, an ‘insidious plague,’ thrive and multiply in the law.

Coach’s Corner: Onward!
By Ellen Ostrow
Instead of letting bad review news or a missing mentor cause a meltdown, take stock and take productive action.

Diversity in Action: Hit Hard
By Katherine Frink-Hamlett
If the terrible economy hands you a job loss or your department a budget cut, it won’t be easy, but try these responses.