[EDITOR'S NOTE: This is part I in an ongoing series rolling out exclusive data on compensation in the legal departments of large U.S. companies and the salary range for in-house lawyers. Jump to part II: The In-House Salary Range: Not a Good Time to Be One of the Little Guys, part III: In-House Salary Range Breakdown: A Bad Time to Be the Chief Legal Officer, part IV: In-House Salary Range Breakdown: Salaries by the Numbers, part V: In-House Salary Range Breakdown: Big Money in Chemicals, Pharma and Utilities, part VI: In-House Salary Range: You Weren't Making as Much If You Were In ..., or part VII: In-House Salary Range: Want Big Bucks? You Should Work ... Where?.]

Two weeks ago, our friends at Lawshucks.com posted a question on their site from a commenter who asked: What exactly is the salary range for in-house counsel?