State v. Lige, A-6211-09T2; Appellate Division; opinion by Ashrafi, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication February 22, 2013. Before Judges Ashrafi, Hayden and Lisa. On appeal from the Law Division, Middlesex County, Indictment No. 08-10-1729. DDS No. 14-2-9095 [17 pp.]

When defendant Bruce Lige was tried on the theft charges from which he now appeals, he already had a record of criminal convictions. He had been convicted and sentenced in the Superior Court about 18 times for thefts and other offenses, and in the municipal courts about nine additional times for disorderly persons and lesser offenses. In this matter, defendant stood on an indictment charging two third-degree theft offenses — receiving a stolen tow truck and receiving a stolen motor vehicle license plate.