Lozman v. City of Riviera Beach, Florida, No. 11-626; U.S. Supreme Court; opinion by Breyer, J.; dissent by Sotomayor, J.; decided January 15, 2013. On certiorari to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Petitioner Lozman’s floating home was a houselike plywood structure with empty bilge space underneath the main floor to keep it afloat. He had it towed several times before deciding on a marina owned by the city of Riviera Beach. After various disputes with Lozman and unsuccessful efforts to evict him from the marina, the city brought a federal admiralty lawsuit in rem against the floating home, seeking a lien for dockage fees and damages for trespass. Lozman moved to dismiss the suit for lack of admiralty jurisdiction.