The privileged sundry at the top of the list for consideration to fill the soon-to-be vacated U.S. Supreme Court seat are certainly well-qualified candidates, about whom most of us are well aware. However, in light of the current political climate, in which the president’s job approval rating has recently plummeted to 47% and midterm elections are right around the corner, a better candidate might lie slightly further down the list. Most pundits — and apparently many in the White House — seem to be all but ignoring recently retired Georgia Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears.

Sears would be an especially good choice for Obama. She is appreciated by those on the left for a host of reasons, including her stance against electrocution as a means of execution due to an evolving decency standard, her strong support for First Amendment rights and her advocacy for a variety of women’s and children’s matters. In addition, she may be able to spare the president’s all-too-precious political capital, which is at a premium.