Five diverse players in the global legal services industry, from Brussels, Chicago, Greensboro, San Francisco and Shanghai, got together in New York in June to discuss the future of legal services. A relatively unclear vision of the future and an expectation of multiple changes (with cost and technology at the forefront) marks the view of most of the 110+ corporate counsel from around the world who were polled at the discussion’s start. What follows are summaries of five distinct perspectives of the next 5-10 years in global legal services, from a legal start-up CEO, a European multinational company (MNC) group general counsel, the leader of an 850-lawyer firm, a former Asia regional GC for MNCs and current legal advisor, and a global legal services management consultant.

Part 2 of this article will provide 3-4 additional perspectives, provided by readers. We invite you to send your vision (max 250 words) to the author at [email protected].