International Edition

McDermott boosts London energy with Dentons partner hire

McDermott Will & Emery has made its third lateral hire in a month, bringing in an energy partner from Denton Wilde Sapte. David Birchall, whose work focuses on deals in the electricity, trading and carbon sectors, will become the eleventh London partner in McDermott's global energy practice. His start date is yet to be confirmed.
2 minute read

International Edition

Renewable energy: Reaping the whirlwind

The UK has an obligation under the EU Renewables Directive to derive 15% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. Depending on level of take-up of renewables for transport, heating, etc, this equates to approximately 32% of the UK's electricity being generated from renewable sources by 2020. Offshore wind energy is expected to provide a large share of this increase in renewable generation capacity.
5 minute read

International Edition

Renewable energy: The power players

"Renewables is moving from boutique to industrial," says Ian Fairclough, legal counsel for renewables and generation at power company E.ON, citing the London Array wind farm, currently under development in the Thames Estuary as an example of the larger breed of projects that are redefining the sector. London Array will become the world's largest wind farm with an output of around 1,000 megawatts (MW) - of similar capacity to a small nuclear or gas-fired power station.
6 minute read

International Edition

Renewable energy: Critical mass

"The nuclear industry was for many years not very glamorous in this country, to say the least," recalls Amec Nuclear legal director Kevin Smith. "Now, though, it has suddenly become fashionable," he continues, "with law firms suddenly claiming they have got a nuclear law department". The shift in attitude began in 2003, counter-intuitively with the establishment of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), which subsequently opened up the decommissioning of various ageing nuclear plants, including Sellafield, to private companies. Around this time the Government's commitment to reduce its carbon emission levels, agreed under the Kyoto Protocol, came into force.
5 minute read

International Edition

Renewable energy: Emission impossible?

There is no shortage of targets when it comes to Europe's climate change policy. In addition to commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, the European Union (EU) aims to achieve a 20% reduction (from 1990 levels) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2020 (rising to 30% if other countries commit to similar levels in ongoing negotiations). By the same date, the EU wants to see 20% of all its energy come from renewable sources. In the UK, the Climate Change Act 2008 requires a 34% cut in GHG emissions by 2020, and a cut of 80% by 2050. The concern is whether the mechanisms used by European governments will work to deliver these targets.
5 minute read

International Edition

Renewable energy: Great light hope

There are growth markets, there are long-term bets and then there is renewable energy. But however many false dawns alternative energy has had over the years, in the long run the business of green energy and nuclear power looks certain to ultimately establish itself as a huge, globally-significant industry.
26 minute read

Legal Week

Renewable energy: Great light hope

There are growth markets, there are long-term bets and then there is renewable energy. But however many false dawns alternative energy has had over the years, in the long run the business of green energy and nuclear power looks certain to ultimately establish itself as a huge, globally-significant industry.
89 minute read

International Edition

Is Whitehall wilting in the climate change heat?

Against the background of one of Europe's most liberalised energy markets and a renewable generation subsidy scheme designed to be driven by market forces, there are signs that the Government is struggling to make the model fit with its challenging low carbon targets. Is Whitehall losing faith in the power of free markets to deliver the goods when it comes to climate change?
3 minute read

International Edition

Ashurst boosts energy and projects team with Linklaters hire

Ashurst has expanded its London energy and projects practice with the hire of Antony Skinner from Linklaters as a partner. Skinner, a counsel at the magic circle firm, joins the energy and project finance group after four years at Linklaters. He was promoted to counsel earlier this year.
2 minute read

International Edition

Linklaters tops global projects rankings but market plunges in first half of 2009

Linklaters has edged ahead of magic circle rivals Allen & Overy (A&O) and Clifford Chance (CC) to top the global project finance rankings by market share for the first half of 2009. New research from Infrastructure Journal (IJ) shows that the firm leads the global rankings by value for the first six months of this year after scoring roles on 15 deals worth $7.623bn (£4.7bn). The tally gives the firm a market share of just over 5% - marginally ahead of CC.
4 minute read


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