Has the Electronic Courtroom Finally Arrived? Paperless Proceedings in the U.S.

In the final installment of this series, we examine the U.S.' approach to courtroom technologies and compare it to those abroad.
15 minute read

New York Law Journal

Bronx Misdemeanor Backlog Violates Rights, Suit Charges

Lengthy delays, congestion and backlogs in Bronx Criminal Court have produced a systemic deprivation of rights for borough residents charged with misdemeanors, according to a federal suit filed Tuesday against the state court system.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Celebrating Law Day 2016

About 100 judges, attorneys and court employees gathered to celebrate Law Day Monday at Brooklyn Supreme Court.
1 minute read

New York Law Journal

Justice Phelan Honored

Tenth Judicial District Administrative Judge Thomas Adams, Nassau County Bar Association President Martha Krisel and Nassau District Court Judge Ignatius Muscarella dedicated a portrait of Nassau Supreme Court Justice Thomas Phelan, who died on Feb. 12, on Friday.
1 minute read

New York Law Journal

A Special Part for Young Offenders

The first Young Adult Court was commemorated in Brooklyn Criminal Court on Friday. The court, which will handle misdemeanor defendants ages 16 through 24 and link them with counseling, treatment and services, is the first of its type in New York state and the second in the country.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Philadelphia Slashing Fees For Court-Appointed Counsel

Attorneys agree that selecting juries and attending sentencing hearings are essential elements when handling any case, but city of Philadelphia officials charged with processing payments for court-appointed attorneys might think differently. According to numerous sources, the unit within the Philadelphia Department of Public Safety responsible for processing payments for court-appointed attorneys has recently begun cutting fees for nearly all work, except for days spent at trial.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Judge Krieger-Martin's Path to Law Came Naturally

Despite her continual exposure to the law, Miami-Dade County Court Judge Luise Krieger-Martin didn't consider becoming an attorney herself until much later.
5 minute read

National Law Journal

Louisiana Lawyer Loses Discipline Case Linked to Impeached Federal Judge

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a lower court's finding that New Orleans lawyer Joseph Mole violated ethics rules in a case that involved former federal judge Thomas Porteous. Porteous was impeached and removed from the bench in 2010.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Security Pavilion Opens

Southern District Chief Judge Loretta Preska led a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday celebrating the opening of the new security pavilion at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse, which has seen several major terrorism trials since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
1 minute read

New York Law Journal

Comments Sought on NYC Housing Court Judges

The Advisory Council of the Civil Court's Housing Part is seeking comments to help evaluate New York City Housing Court judges who are up for reappointment.
1 minute read


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