Out of respect for the only periodical to possess the courage to question the McCarthy-like attack on Del Norte County district attorney Jon Alexander, I am writing this letter, finding it difficult to know where to begin.

First, the complaining parties — a defendant charged with a drug DUI and former members of that county’s DA office, all terminated, either by the county or at the polls — whom the Office of Chief Trial Counsel prosecutors refused to subpoena and incredibly acted to both block their depositions and prevent them from taking the witness stand. Second, the charges themselves, with the OCTC venomously crying out for disbarment, boil down to three incidents: a personal loan received from a friend, which was repaid before Alexander’s swearing-in; a loan he extended to a friend in 2009 to help her stave off foreclosure of her house; and last, a young, female, convicted meth trafficker who barged into his office without appointment or notice, illegally taping the orchestrated conversation, in which he tried to talk her into rehab.