An interview … is an interview … is an interview. Right? Wrong. While all interviews are important—and should be treated as such, they each have their own fingerprints that require a unique approach. The phone interview is the first mile marker in the job interview marathon. It’s a special situation because it’s not face-to-face and relies more heavily on the imagination. This creates a different dynamic with a different set of rules and expectations. No need to worry about eye contact, a firm handshake or your smile … at this point. But you do need to be on your game in other ways. So, what should you expect?

HR conducts most phone interviews, but sometimes it’s the hiring manager who will take the lead on the initial screen. HR tends to work through a checklist (literally or figuratively) to evaluate your legal background, conversation ability and culture fit. An interview with the hiring manager will differ. This is his/her hire and the person with whom s/he will be working closely. So the level of scrutiny may be a bit more intense. Your substantive skill set will be assessed using the hiring manager’s priorities and visions for the role. Hypotheticals are possible. And your phone manner will be carefully scrutinized for your ability to effectively communicate with internal/external clients. “Likeability” will also be a healthy factor for a hiring manager at this early stage.