As lawyers, our job is fundamentally to provide answers to our client’s questions. However, in our own practice we are often left with more questions than answers. Everyday the practice of law presents a new host of ethical quandaries, which we are left to ponder the answers to. Fortunately, there are a number of resources specifically designed to give lawyers answers to these questions.

The Source—Disciplinary Opinions

If you are facing a potential ethical issue, it may be cold comfort, but others have undoubtedly faced the same issue. The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania website allows attorneys to search Disciplinary Board Reports and Recommendations as well as Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Opinions in attorney discipline matters. Each year for the last 10 years, there have been between 254 and 320 disciplinary actions taken by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. In 2017, there were 17 public reprimands, seven probations, one public censure, 40 suspensions (16 on consent), and 35 disbarments (15 on consent). The Disciplinary Board publishes reports and recommendations for a significant number of disciplinary actions each year. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania issues substantive opinions on disciplinary issues about once a year.