This is an ambitious title for this month’s column. I normally espouse that there are very few things that one can say with 100 percent certitude, but will acknowledge an exception here, as I’m sure there is zero chance that all (or even a majority) will agree with this list. I fully anticipate that, and accept it, as this is a personal list that is drawn on my 25-plus-year career as a lawyer and even longer stint as a citizen of Earth. I would expect, and hope, that each reader would have a far different top 10 (and I invite your feedback in that regard).

I have not included one book that focuses on the law, per se. There are far too many excellent tomes that accomplish that task and it would be foolhardy to wade through them to select the best. Rather, this compendium encompasses books that discuss quite a few of the more general, underlying topics that can help you become a better all-around lawyer. Additionally, as even the hardest-working lawyers know, there is a world outside of the office and achieving balance in life is important; this list includes a few books that help in that regard, too.