We've all seen the headlines out there about the legal profession. There is quite a bit of bad press, constantly reminding you of all the hardships you will face as you try to make a name for yourself in a competitive field in a difficult economy. If you're "fortunate" enough to call yourself an associate — congratulations — you're in what Forbes has reported as the number one unhappiest profession in America.

So, if you're anything like me, and the stress of your practice (or search for work) is starting to overwhelm you, it might be hard to remember why you chose to become a lawyer in the first place. Yes, while it is true that this career we have embarked on is not an easy one, and while you may be discouraged or run-down after recently entering the profession, I want to take this opportunity to shine a positive light on our vocation and the future as an attorney you romanticized about while in law school.