With fewer and fewer reporters on staff and the influx of good story ideas fighting for limited editorial space, earning the interest of the media has never been more difficult. As a result, content marketing, which can be defined as the process of generating your own quality online content, has risen in popularity as an effective way to reach your or your firm's target audiences. I will first describe what is driving the demand for content. Second, I will discuss how to build your own content. Third, I will go over a number of different types of content that you should consider developing. Finally, I will explain different ways to effectively distribute your content to your target audiences.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of journalism jobs has dropped 25 percent since 2000. Between 2010 and 2020, the number of journalism jobs is expected to decline further by another 6 percent. While traditional newspaper newsrooms may be on the decline, journalism is not, however, dead. Figuratively taking its place is the rise of marketing and public relations jobs, which are starting to function more like newsrooms.