We all remember the adolescent bully who made grade school and high school an unbearable experience for many. But what happens when your playground nemesis grows up to become your co-worker or, even worse, your boss?

The issue of bullying has garnered a great deal of recent attention. These days, bullying goes beyond mere playground teasing or taunting. In addition to “old-school” bullying, children and teenagers are now using technology as a means to get their messages across. So-called “cyberbullying” can occur through text messages, emails or social media sites. The targets of these tactics are often depressed and suffer severe anxiety and other health problems. In extreme cases, bullying has even caused teenagers and college students to take their own lives. In reaction, many states and local governments have enacted ordinances combating bullying in schools, as well as criminal statutes intended to punish those who engage in the act.