This is not relationship advice. Well, not that kind of relationship advice. If you’re reading this, then you’re in one of two possible relationships: (1) you and your job search or (2) you and your job. Regardless of your particular situation, you need to understand and appreciate it. No, not necessarily the “thank you so much for this opportunity” kind of appreciation, but more the “I understand where I’m at and where I’d like to be going” kind of appreciation.

As with the majority of law graduates in the class of 2010, I faced an uncertain future as graduation passed and the bar exam loomed. The legal job market was then, as it is now, flooded with ready, willing and able young lawyers seeking an opportunity. It is this group, as well as the fortunate employed minority, with whom I would like to share a perspective that has guided me through my brief legal career. I like to refer to it as my Three-Level Hierarchy of Appreciation.