It is a hot, hot summer and tensions are high. A bevy of seemingly never-ending factors—from the pandemic to social anxiety to political tensions—have people’s amygdala—the “fight or flight” response center—working overtime. This constant state of high alert not only is personally draining, but also is a palpable threat to individual health, relationships, organizational productivity and long-term success. Pile on talent shortages and sizable workloads, and the situation is fast reaching a boiling point.

Law firm leaders are experiencing this heightened state of anxiety at multiple levels. Personally, many leaders feel ill-equipped to manage the stressors of guiding a multi-million or -billion-dollar organization on top of personal challenges. Those attempting to grow a practice simultaneously are even more strapped. Relationally, leaders are being pulled—often unwillingly—into highly emotional and sometimes contentious debates among partners and senior professionals. Political debate and disagreements over flexible work policies, in particular, are evoking a special kind of tension. Organizationally, leaders are aiming to move toward more inclusive workplaces at a time when the very premise of effective culture—safety—is at a remarkable low. The struggle is real.