With 18 chapters and 170 pages of core materials and another 126 pages of appendices, “Locked Down: Information Security for Lawyers,” by Sharon Nelson, David Ries and John W. Simek should be required reading for any managing partner, risk partner, technology committee chair or interested attorney in a law firm. I don’t say that lightly. In a day and age of seemingly laissez-faire attitude toward information security and privacy, the authors provide ample evidence as to why this topic should be taken seriously by every lawyer as well as every law firm employee.

Whether you are interfacing with your internal technology security staff, have to hire external security experts, or simply are “doing it yourself,” “Locked Down” has something for you. Nelson and Simek are president and vice president of Sensei Enterprises Inc., a digital forensics and security firm. Ries, a partner in Thorp Reed & Armstrong, chairs the firm’s e-discovery and records management group.