The job market for lawyers is shrinking. To get ahead these days lawyers need to be business-savvy, too, says Gary Mitchell, CEO and founder of OnTrac Coach,

Texas Lawyer spoke recently with Mitchell about his new software app and how it focuses users on the soft skills needed to find success as an entrepreneur, leaving them with more confidence that will help them get a job or start a practice of their own.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

Gary Mitchell: I’ve always been an entrepreneur. I started my first business, building national events, at the age of 25. I found that I most enjoyed work that allowed me to help others though, which led to me running a political campaign and coaching the candidate in 2005.

My client needed advice on everything — public speaking, debating, shaking hands. I quickly began to witness this person benefiting and growing from the advice I was giving them. It was incredibly rewarding!