Let’s talk mental toughness. Three questions: 1. Is it an essential quality of an effective lawyer? A recent series of books and articles on grit and resilience is propelling this trait as one on equal footing with diligence, intellect and professionalism. 2. Can mental toughness be learned? You bet. And the miracle of neural plasticity means this mindset can be developed at any age. 3. How can the mindset be learned? Habits. As the saying goes: We make our habits and then our habits make us. Here then are five concepts to make it a daily habit.

No. 1: “Amor fati”

Translation: “Love your fate.” Not to be confused with the more mundane idea of playing the hand you are dealt. “Amor fati” is not a grudgingly given hug to circumstances but instead a joyful and full-throated embrace of them: bad facts, shaky witnesses, unfavorable case law. As the Stoic philosopher Epictetus taught us: We are but actors/actresses in a play, and it is “our duty to perform well the character assigned.” So true. By the way, it is OK to be saddened initially at the poor hand, but, as a ball player is taught, “shake it off.” Rejoice, yet again, in the privilege of stepping into the batter’s box and being a lawyer.

No. 2: Always Be Reframing